حشرات صراصير
How to get rid of cockroaches and get rid of them permanently:
Getting rid of small cockroaches … One of the problems that housewives face is the presence of “small cockroaches” inside the houses, and the housewife always tries to eradicate it and eradicate the insects in the house constantly. This will only be done by preventing insects from entering the house, and among these insects are small cockroaches that cause the house to become dirty even if it has been cleaned several times, and it also causes shortness of breath in children, and therefore there is Many simple methods to get rid of small cockroaches and eliminate insects in the house completely
Tips to avoid cockroaches:
Always maintain the cleanliness of the house and disinfect it constantly so that the house insects are exterminated continuously.
Never leave food in the kitchens without a cover or outside the refrigerator
Permanent disposal of garbage and not leaving it inside the kitchen or the house. In general, it must be taken out of the house so that small cockroaches do not exist around it.
Doors, windows, septic ducts and cracks must be closed; Because they are places where cockroaches enter the house, and if they are not closed, the house bugs will not be eradicated and will continue to multiply.
Using mothballs and spreading it in all corners of the house, the mothballs and its strong smell expel the cockroaches and take them out from the cracks, which leads to the final extermination of the house insects