How to eliminate geckos and get rid of them permanently:
Getting rid of geckos .. Just seeing geckos on the roofs of houses causes panic for those present, especially children ,, because geckos are by their nature a disgusting creature and no one prefers to see them, in addition to the psychological problems that may be caused by geckos, they also cause other problems, especially if you approach food and if They have multiplied, you will not discover until after the spread of their geckos, and you will be surprised by their presence on the roof of your house, as there are types of geckos that are poisonous and their presence is very dangerous to the health of the people in their surroundings, and we will talk in this article in detail about lepers. Actually we, as ordinary people, do not know many ways to combat geckos except by striking directly and often escaping it. It is characterized by its good speed, but with the Egyptian German Center for the Extermination of Leprosy, you will permanently get rid of their presence in a scientific and sound way and by ensuring that they will not return again