The best way to control house flies and get rid of them permanently
Get rid of flies:
Getting rid of flies .. Flies are known as an insect that lives and breeds in the summer because it prefers the summer heat, and flies breed in humid areas and soft organic materials such as food and fruits
The wings of the fly spread out on both sides of the body when at rest, and there are spots or black golden bars on the wings, abdomen and back of the abdomen in the female being thin and tapering and ends with a needle-laying mechanism that protrudes out when laying eggs. The female of this fly puts its eggs in a hole under the peel of the fruit, and when it hatches These eggs come out of the yellowish-white larvae and feed on the pulp of the fruit, thus weakening the fruit and falling from its mother, and when these larvae grow somewhat and enter the pupal phase, they come out of the fruit and enter the soil at a distance of three centimeters from the soil surface, but the depth of the presence of the pupa depends On the type of soil and its moisture …
The best ways to get rid of flies permanently:
The Egyptian German Center for Extermination of Insects is considered one of the best centers present in the elimination of all kinds of insects, due to its commitment to the foundations and methods of pest control within the framework of modern practical methods and not by random methods. The Egyptian German Center is also working to adhere to the recommendations of the World Health Organization in controlling insects and to comply in line with the principle of maintaining the health of customers and obtaining a clean environment free of insects. The Egyptian German Center is committed to the integrated control program fully and effectively in getting rid of insects and rodents completely. Therefore, the center’s role is great in eliminating insects and rodents. There are many pests “insects and rodents” that can infiltrate or be present in your homes or your facilities and cause a lot of economic and health damage Either directly or indirectly, to eliminate these harmful pests and insects that cause many diseases, we are pleased to be at your service when you communicate with us, and you can communicate (24 hours service) throughout the week.
For reservations, inquiries and contact with the Egyptian German Center for Insect and Rodent Extermination, please call: