Eliminate fleas:
Fleas are a small, wingless insect that feeds on the blood of animals and birds, and the flea is considered a parasite because it lives dependent on the bodies of animals or on the human body, so it makes it a shelter for him to live in, and benefits from its blood as a source of food, and he moves frequently from one body to another, so it moves with him Diseases are between animal to animal or to humans, due to the large quantities of bacteria that it carries with it from the blood of the creatures that it intrudes on. The flea feeds on human blood by sucking blood from the skin after puncturing it with a strong bite, and it is similar to that of a lice except that it is less adapted and specialized in its functions, and the flea bite causes a very strong itch that leads to moderate – and sometimes significant – swelling depending on the sensitivity of the skin. Besides, these insects may be very dangerous because of their ability to transmit diseases and spread them among people, or to transmit them to them from animals, and among the most dangerous diseases that they transmit: plague, typhus or fever.
Types of fleas:
Fleas are divided into many types, but each of these species has a specialization in a single organism that usually only lives on it. The fleas have evolved over time to adapt to the conditions and needs of parasitism on every body of animals, and among its types: the dog flea that only lives on Dogs’ bodies, including cat flea, pig flea, and rat flea,
And even a human flea. Dog fleas can live on a human body and the opposite is true, because they have adaptations that they need to feed on human blood as well,
But this is not the normal case. All types of these insects are similar in appearance, function and lifestyle.
Ways to eliminate fleas and get rid of them permanently:
The fastest solution in combating fleas and household insects permanently only with the Egyptian German Center for the Eradication of Insects, it is a company specialized in combating all kinds of insects with the best specialized pesticides for the final elimination of them .. The Egyptian German Center for Flea Extermination provides the guarantee of contracting and the periodic follow-ups necessary during the contract period,
The highest quality of the products used and the best public health pesticides that have the approval of the health and population. The Egyptian German Center is also keen to provide safety and maintain customers first until all household insects are safely controlled and to ensure that they will not return again.
For reservations, inquiries and contact with the Egyptian German Center for Insect and Rodent Extermination, please call:
02/27041288 – 02/37637167- 03/5409164